FIA REVIEWEvery now and then, we think it is a good idea to review why you chose your Fixed Indexed Annuity strategy. Over time, the fundamentals...
CUTS TO MEDICARE CREATE NEW MEDICARE PROBLEMMost of us who are over 65 think Medicare is a great idea. And, we have more or less taken it for granted. However, the new tax law may...
RISING INTEREST RATES VS. MARKET EUPHORIAWe are now entering an environment the markets have not experienced in over 8 years… a RISING interest rate environment. That’s right,...
6 QUESTIONS TO ASK BEFORE YOU GET ON OR OFF THE MARKET ROLLER COASTERThe cable channels and internet can be addictive and, even if your exposure to the markets is limited, you tend to pay attention. But...
UNEXPECTED CO$TS OF RETIREMENTQuestion: How much retirement income will you need? Answer: Probably more than you think… While in theory, this does in fact sound great,...
WHERE IS YOUR “NEVER” MONEY?TYPICALLY, ALL OF US HAVE 3 TYPES OF MONEY: NOW: The money we need to live on NOW FUTURE: The money we may need to use later in life,...
DEBUNKED FIXED INDEXED ANNUITY MYTHSAs most of you who already own Fixed Indexed Annuities know, there are widely held misconceptions about this wonderful stock market and...
RETIREMENT CRISIS: LACK OF DIVERSIFICATIONNew data clearly reveals that most Americans are at risk of an unstable retirement.* According to this new information, Americans need to...
SEQUENCE OF RETURNS RISKRemember 2008? Sure you do. That was the year of the financial crisis. When the stock market lost nearly 40% of its value, and shrank the...
WHY I HATE ANNUITY HATERS AND YOU SHOULD TOOOne of the most common hurdles I face when a potential client comes to see me is the misinformation they have been given about annuities....